Men Love Their Skin Too


Hey Fellas!

I understand that in our industry men’s skincare is often overlooked, and quite simply you need help and guidance, especially with addressing your skin concerns. You deserve more than a 13 in 1 body wash babes.

I want you to know that I hear you and I feel its only right that you get the proper information to help you guys out!

Before I start I want to say; I wish all of you to be confident in the skin you have NOW, be patient with yourselves and remember consistency will bring you closer to your skin goals. ❤

First of all, remember that a man’s skin is a little different from a woman’s skin. Here are a few critical differences:

  • More active sebaceous secretions and oiler skin (Less prone to wrinkling because of having oily skin)
  • More prone to dehydration and sensitization because of shaving
  • About 25% thicker than a woman’s
  • Richer bloody supply, collagen, and elastin which aids in firmer skin

Be thankful that you guys don’t age as quickly as we do and I hope this information brings comfort to those of you with oilier skin! Now, to address some of the more common conditions you guys are concerned with.


Dehydration can be caused by a whole plethora of reasons:

  • Poor cleansing routines
  • Environmental factors
  • Products with high alcohol content like aftershave lotions that cause the skin to decrease in its lipid barrier function (responsible for minimizing water loss), causing irritation, inflammation, and dehydration. Also, consider that you can be experiencing sensitive skin because your skin is dehydrated from being exposed to so many harsh products, the two usually go hand in hand.

To prevent dehydration:

  • Keep the skin and lipid barrier well hydrated
  • Refrain from using alkaline and drying products
  • Use productions that contain: Silicone, Vitamin E, Licorice and Wheat Germ Oil

Razor Burn

Got that itching, burning, stinging feeling? Razor burn may be caused when the skin is being shaved too closely, too quickly or when you are using a dull razor. Shaving against the growth of the hair or removing too much skin while shaving may also contribute to razor burn as well.

To prevent razor burn:

  • Avoid shaving against the hair growth
  • Rinse the blade often
  • Use adequate product while shaving
  • Avoid using aftershave lotions that are high in alcohol (remember, dehydration can cause sensitivity)
  • Try to look for products with these ingredients: Aloe Vera, Licorice, Allantoin, Oatmeal (I’ll throw Tea Tree Oil in there as well for its antibacterial benefits)

Ingrown Hairs/Psuedofolliculitis

Ingrowns happen when there is a build up of dead cells, and the hair shaft cannot emerge through the skin. Sometimes they can appear as red, itchy bump filled with pus. Basically what can happen is the hair shaft can curl back and re-enter the same follicle and grown inward.

Here’s how to prevent them:

  • Exfoliate the area on a regular basis using either a chemical such as Glycolic or Lactic Acid
  • Keep your skin hydrated at all times
  • Look for products with ingredients such as Lactic Acid, Tea Tree Oil, Eucalyptus, Witch Hazel and Salicylic Acid

I want to challenge you to incorporate something new into your routines. Is there something you’re currently struggling with?

If you have any further questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me via my Instagram page.


@NyssaGrays | @_GimmeYourSkin

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